Currency Management

Without currency management, Twistabit Coins (TBC) could have value but be difficult for owners to perform normal currency activities such as spending, saving, redeeming, or realizing value once TBC are listed on coin exchanges.

Therefore, Twistabit intends to manage TBC in a way that provides stability and helps Twistabit achieve its primary goals. Currency Management Practices include:

1. Maintaining a limited supply of Twistabit Coins (TBC)

2. TBC value designed to always increase in a stable way compared to USD

3. TBC start out as usable within the ecosystem for a period of days, and gain “circulation” status after this waiting period

4. TBC can be withdrawn once reaching circulation status

5. All withdrawn TBC, in certain amounts, are subject to lockup and release schedules, to prevent large sales or purchases from creating excessive volatility.

6. TBC will be backed by Reserves in currency, titled properties, and other liquid and illiquid assets. Each coin will carry with it the type and amount of reserves backing it, so holders will have no doubt of the value of the coins they accept or buy.

Twistabit is also investigating other currency management practices that could assist in building stability, in order to enhance long-term value.

Some of these currency management practices are already in place, and Twistabit intends to fully implement all these currency management practices in 2023.