Building Stability

Without currency stability, Twistabit Coins (TBC) could change in value rapidly, leading to much less confidence in TBC, and much less value over time.

In the Roadmap Targets Management post, we discussed some of the currency management practices that are already in place and contribute to TBC stability.

Here we discuss additional management practices Twistabit may employ to ensure both short-term and long-term stability of TBC, as well as provide correction mechanisms that are likely to have the very least possible effects on value and usability for all TBC owners.

Twistabit intends to use carefully review and implement the following (and perhaps more as-yet known) practices for achieving maximum stable, secure, and short-term and long-term value for TBC:

1. Provide incentives that maximize adoption of TBC

2. Use AI and ML to identify the most beneficial application of short-term and long-term adjustments to TBC traits and circulation attributes potentially affecting velocity of transactions, demand, and other factors down to the individual coin or transaction.

3. Constantly monitor TBC for signs of excessive volatility and automatically implement adjustment factors to compensate.

4. Carefully link reserves to coins to ensure that users have no doubt in the stability of TBC even under very adverse conditions.

Some of these currency stability practices are already in place, and Twistabit intends to fully implement all these currency stability practices by 2024.